Thursday, October 26, 2006

comprehension of each others

Comprehension exists when people have the choice of the subject they are going to speak about. Internet permits that because we don't have to connect us.
We can find a lot of sites on Internet where we can find people who understand our questions, especially when there are "secrete" ones. As the success of women solidarity shows, we can always find someone who is in the same situation. There are some relevant examples concerning the comportement problems. When you have a problem, you go on a forum and there so many people in the same situation in the world that you are sure to find a help.

Insight, outside

Insigth is the human quality which can be helpfull to avoid mistakes. However, it is sometimes necessary to express its feelings and fears. For example, Internet, with solidarity forums, has saved a lot of women in oppressing situations, in particular in arabean countries. They had no rights and they couldn't express their pain. Internet permitted them to feel less loneliness and to keep the hope to see an arrangement of their situation.

Patience is the key word of the succes

Patience is necessary in all life and especially with technologies. When your computer is too slow, your washing machine is going crazy during your husband is asking what you will do for dinner, you have to be patient to stay in good tems with your nerves. A good example of patience on Internet is the web assistance. There are some forums where people is here to answer to your questions. They never let you down even if you ask silly questions.

Discipline on Internet

A good example of discipline on the Internet that we all have to respect concerns the online classes. There are a lot of today and they work really well. We have to focus on the subject and accept the rules as like as a traditional class. Interent is one of the worst place of temptation today because we can find all we want. So we need discipline to follow one objective. None is there, next to us, to say what we have to do; we have to find the solutions on our own. I really like the aspect of Internet which responsabilize people and make them more independant.

Internet: a place for the development of human qualities.

The six qualities of good professional and, more generally, social activity are generosity, patience, discipline, perseverance, insight and comprehension.
A perfect example of generosity on the e-culture today is the websites of peer to peer as You Tube and Daily Motion. When someone gets a video on Internet, quite long to download, he immediately puts it on the website. There are some people who became famous in the “download” word because they put the videos very early and they traduce it. I think it is a good state of mind which strengthens the links between people.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

social networks

After having seen one the juridical dimension of the Internet, I will observe one its social aspects through social networks. A social network is a social structure made of nodes which are generally individuals or organizations. It indicates the ways in which they are connected through various social familiarities ranging from casual acquaintance to close familial bonds. The term was first coined in 1954 by J.A.Barnes (in: Class and Committees in a Norwegian Island Parish, "Human Relations"). The maximum size of social networks tends to be around 150 people and the average size around 124 (Hill and Dunbar, 2002). Social networking also refers to a category of Internet applications to help connect friends, business partners, or other individuals together using a variety of tools. Social network theory views social relationships in terms of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. There can be many kinds of ties between the nodes. In its most simple form, a social network is a map of all of the relevant ties between the nodes being studied. Msn Messenger is an online social network and it is really popular.

Rage against DRM

What is DRM?

What is DRM?

DRM vendors and publishers coined the term digital rights management to refer to the types of technical measures discussed here, applying it only to digital media (and analog media that has been released in digital form). There is a long history of objection on the part of copyright holders (often music distributors or broadcasting companies) to copying technology of any kind. Examples have included player piano rolls (early in the 20th century), audio tape recording (after WWII), video tape recording (eg, in the famous Betamax case in the US), etc. Digital copying raised concerns to a higher pitch. While analog media loses quality with each copy generation, and often even during normal use, digital media files may be copied an unlimited number of times without degradation in the quality of subsequent copies. Many online music stores, such as Apple’s iTune' Store, as well as certain e-book producers, have adopted various DRM schemes in recent times. In recent years, a number of television producers have begun demanding implementation of DRM measures to control access to the content of their shows in connection with the popular TiVo system, and its equivalents.

In order to complete this definition, I am going to present the digital Millennium Copyright Act, its actors and its implications.The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a United States copiright law passed unanimously on May 14, 1998, that criminalizes the production and dissemination of technology that allows users to circumvent copyright protection methods, rendering all forms of DRM-stripping and circumvention software illegal.

The arrest of Russian programmer Dimitry Sklyarov in 2001, for alleged infringement of the DMCA, was a highly publicized example of the law's use in preventing the further development of anti-DRM measures. While working for Elcomsoft, he developed The Advanced eBook Processor, an application that allowed authorized users to strip usage restriction information from protected e-books. Sklyarov was arrested in the United States after presenting a speech at DEF CON, and subsequently spent several months in jail.

The DRM has a certain influence in recordings and video.

Several DRM schemes have been implemented. Many see them as "abuse" of copyright (often called eSlavery in Europe); DRM proponents have seen them as a "reasonable balance of consumer concerns and artist rights." This is the first known instance where a publisher has enforced DRM on private data, rather than just data copyrighted by the publisher.The PlayStation 2 CD-ROM format games are protected and cannot be copied with normal copy software. Curiously, the DVD-ROM format games doesn't have this type of protection. The Xbox 360 games has advanced security code which prevents copying of the games. The problem is that DRM affect most legitimate purchasers.

web neutrality

What I want to debate now is the emergence of web neutrality. The expression « Web neutrality » involves the influence of lobbying companies in the success of some websites. The issues which are discussed to save the internet are the abolition of the Internet’s first amendment. This amendment created in 2003 was based on what site pays the most. I think it is unfair of course, as all the monopoles. It shows that the time of the utopia of the Internet as the most democratic media, like Mac Luhan described in the last seventies is finished. It is a market like the others with its lobbies and its own regulations. That is why the project of web neutrality is a good on. It have to be a priority on these days because we all have to protect the freedom of information and communication.

Poscasting God...

I will focus on one exemple: the godcasting. The main godcast networks linked on Wikipedia are: Disciples with microphones, God's iPod, The godcast Network.

This example shows that this new technology affects all social activities, entering in our life. The web is forming part of our society and it is built like a state, with politic and economical laws.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

News about podcast

The first subject I want to discuss on this blog dedicated to the NTIC is the podcast phenomenon.

First of all, I will try to give you a complete definition of the podcasting, its uses and its influence.

Podcasting, according to Wikipedia, is “the practice of making audio files available online in a way that allows software to automatically detect new files and download them.” Technically this is accomplished using RSS feeds to provide information about a collection of audio files in MP3 format. Podcasting lets anybody with a microphone; a computer and an Internet connection publish audio broadcasts that can be listened to by people anywhere in the world. Because the barriers to entry are very low, podcasting is rapidly becoming a popular way for people share audio broadcasts. Podcasts are free and can be automatically downloaded to portable media players, so they can be listened to whenever it’s convenient.

There are already many types of podcast available including:

-Audio books with chapters broadcast in installments.

-Music shows for all the latest new music directly to your PC.

-News broadcasts to ensure you keep up to date with what’s happening.

-Entertainment broadcasts automatically delivered on a regular basis.

-Businesses keeping customers informed about latest products and developments.

-Sports news - keeping fans updated with their team’s progress and achievements. -Religious leaders can even provide a service to their local community with important messages, sermons and pastoral news.

The term podcasting is often used to refer to one off audio broadcasts that can be downloaded from the Internet although this is not, strictly speaking, a true podcast which should be a ‘series’ of broadcasts. It is not a streaming to listen music or to watch a video like Youtube or Daily motion.

The word is a “portmanteau” of Apple’s “Ipod” and broadcasting.

It seems to be the most important development in e-communications in the last six months. There are so many activities using it, like radio, Politics, Education and Religion. We heard of it more than Web 2.0 because of it’s simple use and it’s low cost.